Week of December 31st - Family & Friend Discussion Questions

These questions accompany the LSCC daily devotional. Discuss one or more of these questions around the dinner table or living room with family or friends. The theme for each of these questions is on reflecting over the past year and how you’ve seen God work in it.  

  • Briefly describe the biggest accomplishment or most enjoyable life event over the past year. Why did you choose it? How did God play a role in it? Did you learn something about God through it?
  • What was the biggest trial or struggle in your life in 2017? Why did you choose it? How did God play a role in it? Did you learn something about God through it?
  • What spiritual practices were most helpful to you in 2017? Consider individual activities like reading the Bible, meditating or memorizing, fasting, prayer, journaling. How about group activities like small group, serving with others, attending church services or other activities that you did with other people.   
  • What were the 1-2 biggest lessons you learned about God or your relationship with God in 2017?
  • Name one person who had a significant positive impact on your faith this year. How did they affect you?
  • If you could pass on one quality or lesson God taught you this year what would it be? Consider what will impact the people in your life. 

Week of December 24th - Family & Friend Discussion Questions

We finished the series, And He Shall Be Called, reflecting on Jesus as a Prince of Peace. These questions accompany the LSCC daily devotional. Discuss one or more of these questions around the dinner table or living room with family or friends.

  • Read Isaiah 9:6. Over the past four weeks, we’ve heard four names to describe God. What one truth or message that impacted you from this series? How is it changing a behavior or attitude in your life?
  • Read Philippians 4:6-7. Talk about peace described in these verses. When have you experienced this kind of peace?
  • Are you a peaceful person? When has it been difficult for you to have peace?
  • Read John 14:23-27. These are Jesus’ words shortly before His death. How does Jesus say that we will receive this peace?
  • From this passage in John, what would then keep us from having peace with God? Have you ever experienced the peace of God? Talk about each of your experiences of peace in your life. 

Week of December 17th - Small Group Questions



PRIMARY TEXT: Isaiah 9:1-7; 44:2-5; 46:4, 49:15-16, Psalms 27:10

  • Reminisce about your childhood. Do you have a favorite memory of your father or a favorite shared activity? Share with the group.
  • List out positive fatherly qualities. How about negative qualities that you associate with fatherhood.
  • As Amy shared on Sunday about our earthly father and our Everlasting Father, how do you think the relationship with your earthly father affects your view of God?
  • Split up in small groups (3-4) of men and women. Share personally how your view of your earthly father has shaped your view of your Everlasting Father.
  • Is talking about your earthly father stir emotions in you? What emotions?
  • Read Isaiah 44:2-5 and Isaiah 46:4. Respond to the statement. It’s not God’s job to be like us. Thus, the failings of our earthly father should not be reflected on our Everlasting Father.
  • As a result of the last conversation, what is one quality or attribute you will choose to believe about God that you haven’t in the past?
  • Is there a next step do you want to take from this conversation? Share with the group as they can offer you support and encouragement.

Week of December 10th - Small Group Questions



PRIMARY TEXT: ISAIAH 9:1-7; PROVERBS 15:22; HEBREWS 2:17, 4:12-15


  • Consider counsel you’ve received from another person. What is the best piece of advice you’ve received? Be brief to allow others to share.  
  • How about the worst piece of advice?  Again, keep it brief.
  • The theme for this message comes from Isaiah 9:6. And He Shall Be Called…Wonderful Counselor. Read Hebrews 4:12-15. Describe how God’s Word counsels people.
  • How has Scripture counseled you in the past month?
  • Why can Jesus provide us such wonderful counsel (Heb 4:15)?
  • In your life, who gave you counsel from their own past, frustration, sin or pain? How did it help you?
  • Since Jesus’ empathizes with us (Heb 4:15-16), explain why that can give us such confidence to share our needs with Him?
  • True wisdom comes when we need it. What happens when we give counsel to someone who isn’t ready for it? Why do we give it anyways? What have you learned from those situations?
  • How can you tell the difference between your own wisdom and the wisdom of God? Think of a specific example and share with the group.
  • Share with the group a specific need for counsel, an unsolved problem. Offer these needs to the Wonderful Counselor. In the days ahead, read, listen and watch for Jesus to give you the answer.  

Week of December 3rd - Small Group Questions

Current Series: And He shall Be Called   

This Sunday:  Mighty God   

Primary Text: Isaiah 9:1-7; Psalm 89:6-8, 9-14; Psalm 93; Psalm 95:1-7


  • On a cloud-covered night or in a windowless room, darkness can be thick. Have you recently walked in middle of complete darkness? Describe how you felt or the thoughts that went through your head as you stumbled towards your destination.
  • Have you experienced a physical injury walking in the darkness? Share your story.
  • Read Isaiah 9:1-5. Describe the darkness the nation of Israel was experiencing. Look back to Isaiah 1.  
  • What relational, emotional, work-related or health related darkness or trial have you been through or are currently in? In one sentence, share with the group.
  • Read Isaiah 9:6-7. What words describe this child to be born?
  • As we considered Jesus as a ‘Mighty God’ where do you see Jesus as a mighty God in Scripture?
  • Where have you seen it in your own life?
  • Take time to quietly consider how our Mighty God has been or is working in your own darkness. Again in 1-2 minutes, share with the group God’s might in your own trial.
  • Praise the Mighty God. Thank Him for His work. Boldly pray, having assurance of the character of our God, for burdens or situations in your life.

Week of November 26th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: The Gift of Thankfulness   

This Sunday Travis Bourbon  

Primary Text: I Thess. 5:18, Mark 10:17-22, John 4:1-42 


  • What part of the Thanksgiving meal are you most thankful for? Explain.  
  •  Go around the room. Share one conversation, situation or problem that you are facing this week.  
  • Read I Thessalonians 5:16-18. Why are Christ-followers given these commands?  
  • Have everyone write down 5-10 reasons why they could be thankful for their answer to the first question. Personally examine the reasons and share with the group one reason why you are thankful for this situation.  
  • Read Mark 10:17-22. This man seemed to have done everything. He may have even accumulated many blessings in life. However, sometimes the biggest blessings can come subtraction. What would you do if God called you to give away the thing you most valued to pursue Him? What, at times, do you hold too tightly?  
  • Read John 4:1-42. Where did this Samaritan woman seek to find her fulfillment when Jesus offers her living water?  
  • Did she end up taking Jesus' offer up for living water? How can you tell?  
  • Are you receiving Jesus' offer for living water? In groups of 2-3 share how you are accepting Jesus' living water in your life now.  
  • Close in these groups, praising and thanking Jesus.  
  • What is one next step you will commit to take this week?  

Week of November 19th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Broken People – Faithful God: Journey Through Judges

This Sunday: Gideon – Spirit of Worship

Primary Text: Judges 6 & 7


  • Direct the group through this individual exercise. In a journal or on a single piece of paper, describe a current stressful or trying circumstance. In 2-3 minutes privately list your attitudes, emotions, and actions in the midst of this situation.
  • Read Judges 7:1-15. In reference to Gideon, Cory has described how Gideon stepped forward in faith “doing it afraid”. Where did you see Gideon stepping forth while afraid?
  • In Judges 7:13-15, Gideon hears a dream. In light of the situation and what God was leading Gideon towards, how would you describe Gideon’s faith at this time?
  • Read Judges 7:15-16. What were Gideon’s two responses after hearing this dream?
  • Individual Exercise: Going back to your own recent life situation, consider how God sees this situation. How might He want you to think, act and feel. What Scriptures does God bring to your mind? Write down how you think God wants you to view this situation. 
  • Individual Exercise: Take some time to privately worship God for what He has revealed to you, confess any pride or other sin, and pray by faith for His leading.  
  • Briefly share one learning from this exercise with the group. 
  • We all experience trials. Who in your life is experiencing a trial? Just share the name of the person and a one sentence summary of the circumstance.
  • Consider how can you encourage them in their faith to see beyond the circumstance. Be prayerful and cautious allowing the Spirit to lead you.   
  • What is one next step you will commit to take this week?

Week of November 12th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Broken People – Faithful God: Journey Through Judges

This Sunday: Gideon – Spirit of the Lord

Primary Text: Judges 6 & 7

  • When have you faced an obstacle or setback that felt impossible or overwhelming?
  • Gideon felt overwhelmed but God told him to ‘Go in the strength you have and save
  • Israel’. Gideon had no strength in himself. In your own words, what did God mean?
  • Judges 6:34 says ‘the Spirit of the Lord took possession of Gideon’. The ESV says ‘The Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon’. He had the strength of God’s Spirit available.  So do we. Why do we often look to and rely on our strength instead of God’s Spirit?
  • The Hebrew word for ‘clothed’ is labash = ‘the everyday act of putting on a garment.’ Being clothed with the Spirit enables us to function and to act in ways which are outside of our normal human patterns and capacity. What is something you are facing where you need to be clothed with His Spirit? Why do you think you feel that need?   
  • Read Colossians 3:12-14. Paul exhorts us to ‘clothe’ ourselves with different virtues.
  • Pick one of these virtues that doesn’t come easily for you. How might it look different  if you could live that virtue empowered by the Spirit instead of effort or will power?
  • Read Hebrews 11:32-34 Being “clothed with the Spirit of the Lord” doesn’t mean we never feel afraid or overwhelmed. Instead, it means that even if we are afraid or feel overwhelmed, we can still move forward in faith to take action. Which pleases God.
  • How has God helped you take action when you felt overwhelmed or paralyzed?    

Week of November 5th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Broken People – Faithful God: Journey Through Judges

This Sunday: Gideon – Spirit of Fear

Primary Text: Judges 6 & 7


  • What is on top of your phobia list? Snakes, public speaking, the doctor’s office?
  • What are your emotional and physical reactions when you are afraid?
  • In the midst of this repeated rescue cycle, the Israelites call out to the Lord. Last week we read that God sends an angel to Gideon. Read Judges 6:16-24. What does Gideon need before he proceeds forward?
  • Read Judges 7:1-11. Do you recall what the word Harod means? What does the Lord ask Gideon to do?
  • Even though Gideon still had fear, how did Gideon follow the Lord’s commands?
  • Is there someone in your life who is facing “the Midianites” yet is stepping forward in faith? Besides their faith, what do you admire about them?
  • Discuss these questions separately. What is a major challenge, pain, or trial that you are in the middle of? What does it mean for you to move forward in faith? How has God shown you His faithfulness or answered your prayers for direction? 
  • What is one next step you can to take this week?

Week of October 29th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Broken People – Faithful God: Journey Through Judges

This Sunday: Life Lessons from Gideon    

Primary Text: Judges 6:1-16    

  • Consider your childhood and adolescence. Was there a coach, teacher, boss, parent, or relative who spoke into you who told you of special ability or character qualities they saw in you long before you saw it in yourself? Who was it and what did they say?
  • Read Judges 6:1-16. Why were the Israelites being constantly attacked by the Midianites?
  • Reflect for a moment. Was there a situation in your life where you wondered why you were being “constantly attacked” and you later realized your actions were a significant factor to the situation? What did God teach you through that discipline?
  • In verses 11-12, an angel visits Gideon. How does he address Gideon? What do you find significant about how he addresses Gideon?
  • Get into groups of 2-3. Have one person respond to this statement. This is how I see myself when I struggling or in fear. Then, have the other group members share how God might see them. Have each person take a turn.  
  • In verses 13-14, Gideon asks a question that the angel doesn’t directly answer. Why do you think he doesn’t answer Gideon this way?
  • Do you recall a time when God didn’t directly answer one of your questions? Ask you look back on it, did He just answer it in a different way?
  • What is one next step you will commit to take this week?

Week of October 22nd - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Broken People – Faithful God: Journey Through Judges

This Sunday: Repeated Rescue   

Primary Text: Judges 2 & 3    

  • During your adolescence when you made a mistake (came home after curfew, put a dent in the car, or got caught in a lie, etc), how did your parents’ respond? Were there quick and severe consequences, mercy, or was there any reaction at all?
  • Read Judges 2:18-21, 3:7-11, 12-15. These are examples of repeated rescue. What do you think keeps God coming back to rescue the Israelites?  
  • Where in the Gospels do you see examples of mercy before repentance?
  • Can you think of a time in your past where you needed repeated rescue? Or is there a current need that comes to mind?
  • Read II Corinthians 7:10 and put this verse in your own words. Where have you seen examples of each kind of sorrow?  
  • Take time individually to consider godly sorrow in your own life. As you read and discuss these questions, is God bringing an issue into your mind. Individually, write out II Cor. 7:10 and consider the temptations that leading you from being faithful to God. Journal your thoughts and prayer.
  • What is one next step you will commit to take this week?

Week of October 15th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Broken People – Faithful God: Journey Through Judges

This Sunday: Failure To Drive Out  

Primary Text: Judges 1 & 2:10; Deuteronomy 20:16; Romans 7    

  • Reflect on the three chairs from last week. Do you have any insight or personal examples where you noticed a 1st chair, 2nd chair, or 3rd chair conversation or decision?
  • In light of Sunday’s message on Failure To Drive Out, go around and share something of interest or a personal application.
  • Read Deuteronomy 20:16, Judges 1 and 2:10. What was the sin of the Israelites? Talk about the temptation for the people to fall into that sin.
  • In groups of 2-3, pick a couple of sins. Why are they so tempting?
  • Consider your past week. What cultural norms or societal habits naturally want to pull you away from God the most?
  • Is there another person in your life who knows your strongest temptations that draw you away from God? If so, who is that person?
  • Pray as a group for the daily temptations we face, the courage to find support and the power to renew our minds. Pray Romans 12:2.
  • Read Romans 7:21-25 silently and reflect for 5 minutes. Offer people to share afterwards.
  • What is one next step you will commit to take this week?

Week of October 8th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: Broken People – Faithful God: Journey Through Judges

This Sunday: Failure to Pass On

Primary Text: Judges 24, Judges 2:10, Psalm 78   

  • With completing a series of the Holy Spirit, does anyone have a personal story to share about how they saw the Holy Spirit at work recently?
  • Did God use the words of a Family Team member on Sunday to stir you? (cause you to write down or lead to a conversation after service)  
  • Read Day 2 of the devotional this week. Share with the group a person in your life who you have influence. What encouragement do they need in their faith?
  • Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9. Who has examples of how they have taken ordinary circumstances and conversations and turned them into intentional opportunities to pass on their faith? Describe if/how you sensed the Holy Spirit in those conversations.
  • Go around the room and have everyone share of 1-2 personal stories of God’s faithfulness in your life. If time is an issue, take only one minute per person.
  • Break up into groups of 2-3. In those groups, pray for 2-3 people who God has placed in your life to influence and to pass on your faith.
  • What is one next step you will commit to take this week?

Week of October 1st - Small Group Questions

Current Series: God In You: The Work & Wonder of the Holy Spirit

This Sunday: Power and Person of the Spirit is Greater   

Primary Text: Romans 8:1-17, John 14-17  

  • In light of Sunday’s message and service, go around and share something of interest or a personal application.
  • Talk about fear as a group. Quickly list the most common fears. Now without naming names, discuss fears we see in our close friends, family and even in ourselves.
  • Failure can cause us to retreat from life. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
  • Two biblical principles for discovering a Spirit-filled life: hunger and surrender. Talk about a physical hunger. How does that preoccupy your mind? Is it easy to take your mind off of hunger when you are seriously needing food?
  • How about surrender? Share an example of someone in your life who lives surrendered to God. What leads you to say that they live a surrendered life?
  • Do you live confidently? How does your relationship with the Holy Spirit help you to live in confidence?
  • What is one next step you will commit to take this week?

Week of September 24th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: God In You: The Work & Wonder of the Holy Spirit

This Sunday: Keep in step with the Spirit  

Primary Text: Galatians 5:16-25, Ephesians 5:15-18, John 14-17

  • In light of Sunday’s message and service, go around and share something of interest or a personal application.
  • Read Galatians 5:16-18. Describe the life of a person who is being led by the Spirit.
  • Share with the group of a recent situation where you were led by the Spirit. How did He guide you in a conversation or a situation? Explain how it turned out.
  • Can you share a time in the last couple of days, when you were confident that you were not in step with the Spirit?
  • On Sunday nights, LSCC Students are going through a series on habits – good and bad habits. Consider teens in your life. Forming good habits will help them for the rest of their long lives. Share with the group, some good habits you see demonstrated in a teen’s life. Take time to pray individually and as a group for teens you know.  
  • Be mindful in the coming days of conversations you could have about the Holy Spirit in your life. If God prompts, ask a friend or a family member about their relationship with the Holy Spirit? As a group, pray for those potential conversations and for our attitude to listen and surrender to the Spirit. 
  • For a follower of Jesus, the question is not, ‘Do I have the Spirit?’, but ‘Does the Spirit have me?’ Share some habits in your life that provides evidence that the Spirit has you.
  • Are these habits strong in your life? Who in your life knows about your habits and asks you about them?
  • From the conversation in this group, what is one next step you will commit to take this week?

Week of September 17th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: God In You: The Work & Wonder of the Holy Spirit

This Sunday: What impact does the Holy Spirit have?

Primary Text: John 14 – 17, Romans 8:26-27, I Peter 2:2, I Cor 2:9-13

  • In light of Sunday’s message and service, go around and share something of interest or a personal application.
  • Read John 14:26 & 15:26, John 16:8, John 16:12-15, Romans 8:26-27. Discuss the different roles of the Holy Spirit.
  • Share with the group a role the Holy Spirit has clearly played in your life?
  • What role(s) do you not see the evidence of the Holy Spirit at this time?
  • What behaviors prevent you from experiencing the Holy Spirit?
  • Do you view the Holy Spirit more as a prosecutor or an advocate?
  • As a group, take 10 minutes to quiet your mind, relax your body, and focus on listening to God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to speak and just listen. Share with the group your experience.
  • What is one next step you will commit to take this week?

Week of September 10th - Small Group Questions

Current Series: God In You: The Work & Wonder of the Holy Spirit

This Sunday: Who is He?

Primary Text: John 14:16-17, John 16:7, Luke 24:49, Acts 1:4-5

  • In light of Sunday’s message and service, go around and share something of interest or an application you took away.
  • Read John 14:16-17. From these verses, what roles or responsibilities does the Holy Spirit play in our lives? 
  • “But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.” Have everyone share a response to this verse. This is a confusing verse. Describe as if you are speaking to an unbeliever.
  • What is it like to have the Holy Spirit in you?
  • Read Day 4 of the devotional. Compare and contrast a marriage relationship with knowing the Holy Spirit. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the intimacy you currently have with the Holy Spirit?
  • What are some things we could do to deepen our intimacy with the Holy Spirit?
  • What is a next step you will commit to take in your pursuit to know and walk with the Holy Spirit this week?