We are excited to begin our message series based on the book, The Story, beginning Oct. 13. This page will be the hub where you will be able to find weekly links and information. But before we begin, there are a few things you will want to do first. Check back regularly for updates!

We will begin The Story on Oct. 13. Please complete the items below before we start.

1. Take the pre-series survey

Our hope is to gain a better understanding of where our church is when it comes to the Bible. Please be as truthful as possible as it will help all of us grow together as followers of Jesus. (Your answers will be anonymous!)

2. Join a Community Group

To get the most out of The Story is to talk through the provided weekly discussion questions based on the week's reading/message with a group of people. Are you in a Community Group? If not, now is the time to get connected to one. When you click the button below, you will choose "Community Groups" and "Request to Join" any of the groups that have "The Story" indicated on their graphic.

3. Buy the book (and other optional items)
Beginning Sunday, Sept. 29 in the Main Lobby

Each week of the series will be based on one chapter of The Story (with the exception of the first week. Oct. 13 which will be an introduction). Beginning Sunday, Sept. 29, we will have the book and a branded notes journal for sale in the Main Lobby for a suggested donation of $10 (or $5 per item). Complimentary bookmark will be included! If you prefer, you can order the book on Amazon. One book per household should be plenty.